Collection: Lavender Essential Oil

Healing Power of Lavender

The Swiss Army Knife of Herbs

Often called the "Swiss Army Knife" of healing herbs and aromatherapy, lavender is useful in the treatment of almost any ailment. The therapeutic properties of lavender are:

Lavender Therapeutic Properties

*calms the nervous system* relaxes and is useful for assisting sleep *helps reduce headaches *is a digestive aid *antiseptic and anti-fungal for minor cuts, burns and infection *is an insect repellant *excellent for all types of skin care *aids in reduction of PMS symptoms *helps heal scars, stretch marks and acne..

Lavender Research

Lavenders are members of the Lamiaceae or mint family, which include many important essential oil producing plants including mints, sages and basil. Lavender essential oils have been found to possess diverse activities including medicinal, preservative, insecticidal, antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

Lavenders have been used historically since Greek and Roman times. The name "Lavender" is derived from the latin word lavare, meaning "to wash as it was commonly added to wash water. Since this time ancients and contemporaries alike have recognized the value of lavenders and their essential oils using both in different preparations for the treatment of diverse ailments. 

Lavender's many properties include antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, sedative, anti-depressant and anxiolytic. Recently, the antidepressant and anxiolytic properties of lavenders have been confirmed through clinical trials confirming what many people have known for years! 

We encourage you to visit the sites of our contributing researchers for more information and research on the health benefits of lavender and  lavender in wellness and healing.

Lavender Research at BC Lavender Network